The Lover State


Virginia has a very long history. Jamestown starts it all off, it was the first colony in the united states not to mention one of the most famous battles in ameican history took place at jamestown. Jamestown was established in 1607.

Williamsberg was another big part in the history of virginia. In the early years of the United stats Williamsberg was used as the capital of the states. In Williamsberg in the late 1600's and 1700's plantation life was a big part of the comunnity, it was the best way to make money. Plantation life was easy for white people back then because they had slaves to do all the work for them.

Slavery was one of the biggest parts of the virginia state history, because it put them on the south side during the civil war. Back then people used slaves for just about everything on the plantations. Some farm owners would own up too 300 slaves. The slaves would have to work long hours for almost nothing. Ther were barly fed and barly had clothes on there backs.

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